About this calculator

The long service leave calculator uses the Victorian Long Service Leave Act 2018 to calculate long service leave entitlements.

Results should be verified by an independent party (eg. payroll office, union or legal adviser).

If covered by a Federal award, collective or individual agreement, or other legislation that contains long service leave provisions, this Act may not apply.

Check with the Fair Work Ombudsman before using this calculator by calling 13 13 94.

Items marked (required) must be completed.

For assistance contact Wage Inspectorate Victoria on 1800 287 287

For assistance contact Employment Information and Compliance on 1800 287 287

What would you like to know? (required)

What would you like to know?

Long service leave applies to full time, part time, casual and seasonal employees, and to some employees under fixed term and labour hire arrangements.

Employment start date (required)

Employment start date

Employment end date

Employment end date

Has employment been continuous with one employer?

Generally, employment will remain continuous despite a range of factors . These factors include:
  • Purchase, sale or liquidation of a business
  • Transfer of assets between companies
  • Fixed term employment
  • Labour hire arrangements (insourcing/outsourcing)
  • Casual or seasonal employment
  • Service with related companies
  • Period/s of unpaid absence because of illness or injury (including absence under work cover arrangements)
  • Unpaid leave
  • Unpaid parental leave
  • Resignations before the 1/11/2018
  • Apprentice and traineeships
  • Service outside of the State of Victoria
  • Stand downs
  • Terminations and reinstatements
Has employment been continuous with one employer?

Continuous service can be affected by any of the factors listed below. For clarification call 1800 287 287.

  • Purchase, sale or liquidation of the business
  • Transfer of assets between companies
  • Casual or seasonal employment
  • Service with related companies
  • Period of Work cover or long term sick leave
  • Unpaid leave
  • Unpaid parental leave
  • Previous resignations
  • Labour hire and contracting
  • Apprentice and traineeships
  • Service outside of the State of Victoria
  • Stand downs
  • Terminations and reinstatements

Has any unpaid parental leave been taken?

Has any unpaid parental leave been taken?
More information
Long service leave does not accrue during any periods of unpaid parental leave taken before 1/11/2018. This rule also applies to time on leave while in receipt of payment through the federal government’s paid parental leave scheme.

Have any periods A period of absence (paid or unpaid) is a single, unbroken period, starting on the first day of the leave and ending on the last day of the leave. of unpaid parental leave been taken before the 1/11/2018? (If none, proceed to the next question)

(Note : if more than one period of unpaid parental leave has been taken, use the Add Period button below as many times as required. Please use the Remove Period button below to remove a period if you make a mistake).

Have any periods A period of absence (paid or unpaid) is a single, unbroken period, starting on the first day of the leave and ending on the last day of the leave. of unpaid parental leave been taken on or after the 1/11/2018? (If none, proceed to the next question)

(Note : if more than one period of unpaid parental leave has been taken, use the Add Period button below as many times as required. Please use the Remove Period button below to remove a period if you make a mistake).

You have inserted at least one period of unpaid leave exceeding 52 weeks. This Calculator only calculates the accrual of long service leave on up to 52 weeks' unpaid leave. An employee may accrue LSL on periods of unpaid leave exceeding 52 weeks in certain circumstances. Please contact Wage Inspectorate Victoria on 1800 287 287 for more information.

Have any periods A period of absence (paid or unpaid) is a single, unbroken period, starting on the first day of the leave and ending on the last day of the leave. of unpaid leave been taken because of illness or injury?

Has employment been continuous with one employer
More information
Any period of paid or unpaid absence because of illness or injury taken before 1/11/2018 only accrued long service leave on 48 weeks in any year.

Have any periods A period of absence (paid or unpaid) is a single, unbroken period, starting on the first day of the leave and ending on the last day of the leave. of unpaid leave because of illness or injury been taken before the 1/11/2018?(If none, proceed to the next question)

(Note : if more than one period of unpaid leave because of illness or injury has been taken, use the Add Period button below as many times as required. Please use the Remove Period button below to remove a period if you make a mistake).

Have any periods A period of absence (paid or unpaid) is a single, unbroken period, starting on the first day of the leave and ending on the last day of the leave. of unpaid leave been taken (other than unpaid parental leave or unpaid leave because of illness or injury)?

Long service leave will accrue during all periods of unpaid leave taken before 1/11/2018 (other than for unpaid parental leave or unpaid leave taken because of illness or injury before 1/11/2018).

Has employment been continuous with one employer
More information

If you are unsure about periods of unpaid leave taken before the 1/11/2018 (other than unpaid parental leave or unpaid leave because of illness or injury) - please call the Wage Inspectorate Victoria on 1800 287 287.

Have any periods A period of absence (paid or unpaid) is a single, unbroken period, starting on the first day of the leave and ending on the last day of the leave. of unpaid leave been taken on or after the 1/11/2018 (other than unpaid parental leave or unpaid leave because of illness or injury)? (If none, proceed to the next question)

(Note : if more than one period of other unpaid leave has been taken, use the Add Period button below as many times as required. Please use the Remove Period button below to remove a period if you make a mistake).

You have inserted at least one period of unpaid leave exceeding 52 weeks. This Calculator only calculates the accrual of long service leave on up to 52 weeks' unpaid leave. An employee may accrue LSL on periods of unpaid leave exceeding 52 weeks in certain circumstances. Please contact Wage Inspectorate Victoria on 1800 287 287 for more information.

Have any periods A period of absence (paid or unpaid) is a single, unbroken period, starting on the first day of the leave and ending on the last day of the leave. of Long Service Leave been taken?

Has employment been continuous with one employer

How much long service leave has been taken?

(Note : if more than one period of long service leave has been taken, use the Add Period button below as many times as required. Please use the Remove Period button below to remove a period if you make a mistake).

Victorian Long Service Leave Calculator Results

Please note that this calculator is provided as part of a service by Small Business Victoria. The calculations provide a guide and should be verified by an independent party (eg. your payroll office, your union or your legal adviser).

All calculations are based on:

  • 1 week of Long Service Leave for every 60 weeks of continuous employment.

Answers are an estimate only, are rounded up to one decimal point and include leap years.

An employee needs a minimum of 7 years of continuous employment to become entitled to long service leave. Please note that this calculator provides an estimate of accrued long service leave even if 7 years of continuous employment has not been completed.

Contact us: 1800 287 287

How much long service leave is accrued?

Total long service leave accrued
Date when long service leave entitlements are due
As there is less than 7 years continuous employment, there is not yet an entitlement to long service leave.
You currently have a long service leave entitlement of

This has been calculated based on the following information you provided:

Employment start date
Calculate to
Has employment been continuous with one employer?
Parental leave taken before 1/11/2018
Parental leave taken on and after 1/11/2018
Unpaid leave because of illness or injury taken before 1/11/2018
Unpaid leave (other than unpaid parental leave or unpaid leave because of illness or injury) taken on and after 1/11/2018
Long service leave taken